Community Film Festival Opening Night Fund 24/25

This is a preview of the Community Film Festival Opening Night Fund Application Form 24/25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Applications must clearly address all the selection criteria.

Before you start your application, please review the:

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Incomplete applications and/or applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

You must confirm you fulfil all the eligibility criteria below in order to access and complete the rest of the application form. 

This field is read only. 
This field is read only. The round this submission is in.
Please confirm you are an Australian-based organisation that is legally constituted and financially solvent * Required
To be eligible for funding, organisations must be legally constituted and financially solvent. Applicants must be an Australian organisation with an ABN.
Please confirm you are NOT one of the following: government departments and agencies, primary and secondary schools, tertiary institutions or TAFE colleges * Required
Government departments and agencies, primary and secondary schools, tertiary institutions and TAFE colleges are not eligible to apply for funding.
Is the film festival's annual total budget under $1,500,000? * Required
Festivals with an annual budget of over $1,500,000 are ineligible.
Does the film festival currently receive less than $150,000 of annual NSW government funding? * Required
Festivals receiving NSW Government contribution of over $150,000 are ineligible.
Do screenings and screen culture account for at least 75% of the film festival? * Required
Multi-disciplinary or cultural festivals where screenings and screen culture account for less than 75% of programming activity are ineligible to apply.
The application must satisfy at least ONE of these categories to be successful in funding. Please select ALL that apply (as this will determine the questions shown to you later in the application). * Required
Response required.Response required.
At least 1 choice must be selected. 

Eligibility Confirmation (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Please confirm you are an Australian-based organisation that is legally constituted and financially solvent" on page 1
  • "Please confirm you are NOT one of the following: government departments and agencies, primary and secondary schools, tertiary institutions or TAFE colleges" on page 1
  • "Is the film festival's annual total budget under $1,500,000?" on page 1
  • "Does the film festival currently receive less than $150,000 of annual NSW government funding?" on page 1
  • "The application must satisfy at least ONE of these categories to be successful in funding. Please select ALL that apply (as this will determine the questions shown to you later in the application)." on page 1

Please see the full eligibility requirements in the program guidelines. Applicants must also adhere to the general eligibility requirements under the Screen NSW Terms of Trade.

I confirm that the applicant and project is eligible according to the criteria outlined in the Program Guidelines and Terms of Trade * Required

Unable to continue (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Please confirm you are an Australian-based organisation that is legally constituted and financially solvent" on page 1
  • "Please confirm you are NOT one of the following: government departments and agencies, primary and secondary schools, tertiary institutions or TAFE colleges" on page 1
  • "Is the film festival's annual total budget under $1,500,000?" on page 1
  • "Does the film festival currently receive less than $150,000 of annual NSW government funding?" on page 1

Based on your response to the above eligibility question, you are unable to continue.

Refer to the program guidelines for more details or contact the Screen NSW staff at who are here to help.