Charlie’s Working Space, LA! - 2024/25

This is a preview of the Charlie's LA Application Form 2024/25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Charlie’s Working Space, LA!

Instructions for Applicants

Applications must clearly address all the selection criteria.

Before you start your application, please review the:

  • Guidelines
  • Application form, including the submission material requirements

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Program Details

Screen NSW, in partnership with Australians in Film (AiF), offers NSW screen practitioners the opportunity to secure access to a dedicated co-working space at Charlie's in Los Angeles.

The one free creative workspace is available for NSW based screen practitioners visiting LA to conduct business, collaborate, and network.

Successful applicants to Charlie’s will receive access to:

  • One desk and a writers' room with whiteboards and screens
  • Wi-Fi
  • An equipped kitchen
  • AiF staff.

Charlie’s is located in the Writer’s Building at The Lot Studios in West Hollywood.

Access to Charlie’s is a service initiative not a grant.


The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that:

  • submission of this application does not guarantee award, and Screen NSW expressly reserves its right to accept or reject this application at its discretion;
  • it must bear the costs of preparing and submitting this application and Screen NSW does not accept any liability for such costs, whether or not this application is ultimately accepted or rejected; and
  • it has read the Guidelines for the Program and has fully informed itself of the relevant program requirements.

Use of Information

By submitting this application form, the Applicant acknowledges and agrees that:

  • if this application is successful, the relevant details may be made public, including details such as the applicant name and any partnering organisation (state government agency or non-government organisation), project title, project description, location, anticipated time for completion;
  • Screen NSW will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that any information received in or in respect of this application which is clearly marked ‘Commercial-in-confidence’ or ‘Confidential’ is treated as confidential, however, such documents will remain subject to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) (GIPA Act); and
  • in some circumstances Screen NSW may release information contained in this application form and other relevant information in relation to this application in response to a request lodged under the GIPA Act or otherwise as required or permitted by law.

Privacy Notice

By submitting this Application form, the Applicant acknowledges and agrees that:

  • Screen NSW is required to comply with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) (the Privacy Act) and that any personal information (as defined by the Privacy Act) collected by Screen NSW in relation to the program will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Act and its privacy policy (available at:;
  • the information it provides to Screen NSW in connection with this application will be collected and stored on a database and will only be used for the purposes for which it was collected (including, where necessary, being disclosed to other Government agencies in connection with the assessment of the merits of an application) or as otherwise permitted by the Privacy Act;
  • it has taken steps to ensure that any person whose personal information (as defined by the Privacy Act) is included in this application has consented to the fact that Screen NSW and other Government agencies may be supplied with that personal information, and has been made aware of the purposes for which it has been collected and may be used.